2023 Race Schedule

***June 8 - Thursday***
Free Race Director Clinic
Valley Library, 6-7pm
Contact Dan Robinson, (907)957-5589 or at robidanc@gmail.com
This is a mandatory clinic for anyone directing a JTRR event OR anyone using JTRR equipment for a fundraising event. All are welcome to join or share their knowledge regarding race organizing and directing.

February 11 - Saturday
Sweetheart Relay - NAOC/JTRR
Savikko Park, 10am race start
Race day registration only beginning at 9:15am
Contact Dan Robinson, (907)957-5589 or robidanc@gmail.com
Two legs of one mile each. Start at Savikko park, run down second street to the turn around point. Return to the starting point. Tag off to your partner, or turn around and run the second mile.

March 18 - Saturday
Flanagan's Run - NAOC/JTRR
Savikko Park, 10am race start
Race day registration only
Contact Randy Peterson (907)500-2313 or randylp@gmail.com
Choose the 5 mile or 1 mile option. Beginning at Savikko Park run down 2nd St., then up Capitol View Ct. to Douglas Hwy. Turn right and continue down Douglas Hwy to the turn around point, near Breeze In. Return to the starting point following the same path in reverse.
March 25 - Saturday
Glacier 10k & 1 Mile - NAOC/JTRR
Mendenhall Glacier Parking Lot
10:00am start for 1 Mile, 10:30am for 10K
19& older (18 & under) - $15 ($5) pre-register, $20 ($6) race day.
Contact Dwayne Duskin, 907-796-9440, tmhstrack@gmail.com
Registration: https://www.raceentry.com/races/2023-glacier-10k-and-1-mile/2023/register
Proceeds benefit the TMHS track team
1 Mile Race: Start time 10:00 am. Out and back course along Glacier Spur Road.
10K Race: Start time 10:30 am. Out and back course starting along Glacier Spur Road. Turn right onto Back Loop Road and continue straight until approximately 0.3 miles past the Montana Creek intersection. Head back along the same route staying on the right outbound, and the left returning.

April 29 Saturday
Pavitt's Health & Fitness 7K - NAOC/JTRR
Brotherhood Bridge Parking Area, 9am race start
Registration link:
Contact: Paul DeSloover
Route will be a combination of the Brotherhood Bridge Trail, The Blackbear Trail and the Horse Trail.
Baby joggers/strollers are allowed on the one-mile course only.
LOCATION: Brotherhood bridge parking area
DISTANCE: 4 Mile or 1 Mile options
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/pavitts-health-and-fitness-run/2023/register
Print paper form here.
CONTACT: Paul DeSloover, 907-586-6709, pdesloover@yahoo.com

May 6 Saturday
Magnificent Mendenhall Mudpuddle Meet - NAOC/JTRR
Auke Lake boat launch parking lot
LOCATION: Auke Lake boat launch parking area
DISTANCE: 8 Miles or 1 Mile
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/magnificent-mendenhall-mudpuddle-meet/2023/register
CONTACT: Heather Parker (317)696-7803 heather.c.parker@gmail.com or Quinn Tracy (907)322-5305 qgtracy@hotmail.com

May 20 Saturday
Spring Tide Scramble - NAOC/JTRR
Fish Creek Bridge (North Douglas Hwy)
START TIME: 8:00 AM **Note Low Tide Start Time**
LOCATION: Fish Creek Bridge
DISTANCE: 4 Miles or 7 Miles
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/spring-tide-scramble/2023/register
CONTACT: Holly Handler (907)321-9433 hollishandler@gmail.com

June 3 Saturday
Cameron Clark Memorial Run - NAOC/JTRR
5 kilometer and 1 Mile distances to select from. Both distances start and end at the Lena Picnic area. The start and finish for both distances will be on the paved Lena Loop Beach/Picnic access road. 5k runners will take a left onto Lena Loop Road and go towards Glacier Highway. They will turn right onto the highway (staying on the right side of the road). They will then take the first right off of the highway onto Pt. Lena Loop Road, which they will follow all the way back around to the start (being careful to take a left where the road forks at Ocean View Drive). 1 mile runners will take a right when they get to the intersection of the Picnic access road and Pt. Lena Loop Road and run to the marked turnaround and then return to the start/finish line.
LOCATION: Lena Beach picnic area
DISTANCE: 5K and 1 Mile fun run
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/cameron-clark-memorial-run/2023/register
CONTACT: Dan Robinson, 907-957-5589, robidanc@gmail.com

June 17 Saturday
Ben Blackgoat Memorial Race - NAOC/JTRR
End of Basin Road at Perseverance Trail
LOCATION: End of Basin Rd. at Perseverance Trail
DISTANCE: 2, 4, or 7 Miles
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/ben-blackgoat-memorial-race-naocjtrr/2023/register
Access paper form here.
CONTACT: Paul Desloover, 907-586-6709 pdesloover@yahoo.com

July 1 Saturday
Midsummer Night Run - NAOC/JTRR
10K and 1 mile are both out and back courses starting at False Outer Point.10K turn around point is at the Fish Creek Bridge.
LOCATION: False Outer Point Recreation Area
DISTANCE: 10K or 1 Mile
CONTACT: Randy Peterson (907)500-2313 randylp@gmail.com

July 4 Tuesday
Glenn Frick Memorial Mile
Are you ready for the fastest mile in Juneau? Meet us on Egan Drive near Foodland. The race will start 30 minutes prior to the parade start and follow the parade route.
START TIME: 30 minutes prior to parade start
LOCATION: Egan Drive near Foodland
COST: Contribution of your choosing
CONTACT: Tristan Knudson-Lombardo tkl1289@gmail.com
Proceeds benefit the Juneau High School Cross Country Teams

July 15 Saturday
Governor's Cup 5K and Kids 1 Mile - NAOC/JTRR
5k is an out and back course that starts and ends at the Juneau Bone and Joint Center.
The 1 mile is an out and back race that starts and ends at the Juneau Bone and Joint Center. The 1 mile race will start after all 5K runners have finished.
START TIME: 5K @ 9:00 AM, 1 Mile @ 10:00 AM
LOCATION: 5K Dimond Courthouse, 4th & Main St.
1 Mile next to Juneau Bone & Joint Center
DISTANCE: 5K and Kids 1 Mile
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/governors-cup-5k-and-kids-1-mile/2023/register

July 22 Saturday
Justin Fantasia Memorial Run 4 the Rock - NAOC
5K or 10K options are available. each race is on an out and back course beginning at the start of Pioneer Road.
Proceeds benefit Eldred Rock Lighthouse Preservation Association
LOCATION: Pioneer Road
COST: $15 adults, $5 18 years and under
CONTACT: Sue York, 907-255-3662 slyak3@yahoo.com

July 29 Saturday
Juneau Marathon/Douglas Half- NAOC/JTRR
This year's event will take place on Saturday, July 29. The marathon starts at 7:00 am AKDT and the half, two hours later at 9:00 am AKDT. Both events start and finish at Savikko Park in Douglas (across Gastineau Channel from Juneau proper).
There will be an early start for marathon walkers at 6:00 am AKDT. Participants choosing this start time will not be eligible for age group awards but will receive a finisher's medal upon crossing the line.
START TIME: Marathon 7:00 AM (6:00 AM early start)
Half Marathon 9:00 AM start
LOCATION: Savikko Park
DISTANCE: Marathon 26.2 Miles/ Half 13.1 Miles
COST: Marathon $85/ Half $55
CONTACT: David Epstein, 907-209-7995

August 12 Saturday
Nifty Fifty - NAOC/JTRR
50K, 25K, and 10K options are available. See the Ultra sign-up link for more information.
START TIME: 7:00 AM for the 50K, 9:00 AM for the 25K and 10K
LOCATION: End of Basin Rd. at the Perseverance Trailhead
DISTANCE: 50K, 25K, or 10K
COST: $35 for the 50K and 25K, $10 for the 10K
REGISTRATION: https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=101961
CONTACT: Keith Levy, 907-586-1427

August 19 Saturday
Beat the Odds - NAOC
Proceeds benefit Cancer Connection
LOCATION: Riverbend Elementary Covered Area
CONTACT: Kym Mauseth, (907)321-5966

East Glacier Trail Tangle - NAOC/JTRR
6.7 Mile or 1 Mile options
LOCATION: Trailhead at east end of Valley Blvd. (Under Thunder Trail)
DISTANCE: 6.7 Mile or 1 Mile options
CONTACT: Karlynn Welling, (907)723-0951

**POSTPONED to August 26 Saturday
Goldbelt Tram Mount Roberts Trail Run - NAOC/JTRR
Start at the Tram, run up South Franklin and continue up North Franklin, turn right on 6th St, then left on Gold, run to the top of Gold and continue on Basin Road to the Mt. Roberts Trailhead and parking area on the right. Follow the trail and go past Mountain House and the Nature Center at the top of the Tram and continue up to the cross. Touch the cross! 1800-foot climb, approximately 3.5 miles.
LOCATION: Base of the Goldbelt Tramway
DISTANCE: Approximately 3.5 Miles
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/goldbelt-tram-mount-roberts-trail-run/2023/register
CONTACT: Linda Kruger, 907-957-0335 lindalaska2003@gmail.com

September 2 Saturday
Eaglecrest Road Race - NAOC/JTRR
5 and 1 mile options
LOCATION: 0.9 Miles up Eaglecrest Road
DISTANCE: 5, or 1 Mile
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/eaglecrest-road-race-naocjtrr/2023/register
CONTACT: Lacey Sanders, 907-209-8722

September 23 Saturday
Friends of the Poor 5K - NAOC/JTRR
Proceeds benefit St. Vincent DePaul
LOCATION: 9151 Glacier Hwy. (Thrift Store)
CONTACT: Dave Ringle, 907-321-7026

October 28 Saturday
Halloween Half - NAOC/JTRR
Participants will run an out and back course along North Douglas Hwy. starting at Pioneer Rd. (the end of North Douglas Hwy). Turn around point is at the 1 mile marker of Eaglecrest Road.
LOCATION: North End of Douglas Hwy
DISTANCE: 13.1 Miles
CONTACT: Holly Handler, 907-321-9433

November 18 Saturday
Veterans Day Run - NAOC/JTRR
Proceeds benefit VFW Taku Post 5559
LOCATION: Brotherhood Bridge parking lot
DISTANCE: 8K and 1 Mile
REGISTRATION: https://www.raceentry.com/races/veterans-day-run-jtrrnaoc/2023/register
CONTACT: Kirk Thorsteinson, 907-321-3026